Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Homemade Butter in Butterprint

Ever wanted to try making your own butter? I did and now I can say that it is so easy anyone can do it.

Just buy a pint of heavy cream, and pour it into a clean mason jar with a lid. Shake it until it becomes whipped cream. (Take some of that out and eat it with fresh strawberries- yum!) Keep shaking and eventually it will separate into a ball of yellow butter and a milky liquid- buttermilk. Drain off the buttermilk to use in your pancakes and rinse the butterball under fresh cold water until it runs clear. Mix in a tiny bit of salt or some herbs and roasted garlic if you desire. 

Eat some immediately (with homemade English Muffins) and save the rest in a 501 Fridgie (Butterprint, of course!)

For more information, head over to my other blog about self-sufficiency and Depression-era living: http://the1930sproject.wordpress.com/2012/04/26/how-to-be-a-butter-and-egg-man/

1 comment:

  1. That's really neat! That's a great sized fridgie for the butter! :)
